Grants awarded

Grants awarded in 2024

St Wilfrids Church – Halton
Project to halt deterioration and make safe the Mausoleum at St Wilfids Church. £5360

Gressingham village trust
Part of the ‘Old School’ structural refurbishment project. £4000

Green Elephant Cooperative at Halton Mill
Community and music event. Contribution for the Melodrome stage. £900.

Aughton Recreation room
For car park and footpath refurbishment. £4915

Halton,  Hearts of Halton Womens’ institute
For a recruitment drive. £400

Caton, Victoria Institute community centre
In support of the centre rewiring project. £5000

Grants awarded in 2023

Halton with Aughton Parish council
For HCA to upgrade solar panels and install batteries. £15000


Caton, Lunesdale Lawn Tennis club
For Hardcourt surface replacement. £5000

Halton, 1st Halton Scout group
For modernisation and replacement of ageing equipment. £1750

Caton, Fell view play park
For replacement benches. £1500

Halton Neighbourhood Watch scheme
For litterpicking. £558

Halton With Aughton Heritage Group
Picnic area, part of Halton Castle Hill public access project. £5645

Lancashire Wildlife Trust
Aughton Woods – Lawsons Meadow restoration work and woodland management – part of a larger project. £4400.

Aughton Recreation Room
Upgrade to recreation room, and yearbook production.  £5000

Green Elephant Cooperative at Halton Mill
Millfest – Halton Mill’s 10th anniversary celebration.  Contribution for the Melodrome stage. £1700.


Grants awarded in 2022

Halton with Aughton Heritage Group
To make a short film about the history of Luneside Engineering. £900
The film, “Precision, Cameraderie and Courage: how a group of Polish refugees built a new life and a thriving business in a Lancashire village” can be seen here

Hermitage Field Community Meadow
Part funding to  maintain and upkeep Hermitage Field Community Meadow for the benefit of the local community and wildlife.  £2650.

Aughton Verge Project
Scythe, wheelbarrow, training. £630

Grants awarded in 2021

Halton Neighbourhood Watch
Signage. £754.74

Lancashire Wildlife Trust
Fencing, Aughton Woods Nature Reserve. £1500

Halton Community Centre
Exterior toilets, access to Changing Places toilets. £5,000

Halton Juniors F.C.
Pitch maintenance (6 year programme). £4,889.88

Grants awarded in 2020

Hermitage Field Community Meadow.
First cycle/seasonal groundwork preparation and autumn
planting of the Hermitage Field Community Meadow.  £2100

Halton Gardening Group
War Memorial Garden refurbishment. £1000.

Halton Community Association
Refurbishment of changing rooms to create an emergency store, accessible wet-room and a children’s toilet area. £5000.

British Canoeing, North West Region
Materials to repair/replace flood damaged path and steps used by canoeists and walkers.  £800

Halton Juniors FC
New goals.  £475.

Grants awarded in 2019:

Aughton Recreation Room £750 awarded towards indoor recreational facilities
£285 towards War Memorial Repairs
£500 to Halton Community Organisation towards cost of £4350 project to purchase new chairs for the community centre

£1000 to Halton Gardening Group towards £4000 project to landscape, terrace, replant slope to left of centres at the Community Centre

£723 to More Music, a contribution to continue Lune Valley Voices Choir, an open access community choir

£3000 to Halton-with-Aughton PC,a contribution towards giant nest swing

Grants awarded between February and November 2018: total £8395

  • £395 to Halton Football Club towards coaching of new managers.
  • £5000 to St Wilfrids Church towards the cost of a new roof
  • £3000 to Aughton Recreation Room towards a Children’s Playground (agreed in 2017 and awarded in 2018).


Grants awarded between April 2017 and January 2018:  total: £5403.97

  • £359.97 to Halton Juniors FC for line marking equipment

  • £395 to Green Elephant Cooperative for Lighting and P.A. equipment at Halton Mill

  • £1,000 to Halton Scout Group to support outdoor climbing and camping activities
    (photos show a Scout Group climbing expedition to Lonsdale District, use of the equipment by the local Sea Scout Explorer Group at Ingleton Climbing wall, and a joint sailing expedition at Killington Reservoir)

Grants awarded between March 2016 and March 2017: total £3,000

Grants awarded at the first round of applications, March 2016: total £1,865

  • £365 to Halton Community Association to set up a walking netball and football and Youth football encouraging more involvement in community activities.
  • £500 to Halton Gardening Club to buy and care for a large planter near the shops on High Road enhancing this area.

the planter maintained by Halton gardening group
  • £500 to St. Wilfrid’s School to continue to develop the school allotment area, providing wider opportunities for community involvement.
  • £500 to Green Elephant Cooperative which manages Halton Mill to support music activities at Halton Mill to encourage social involvement.