Halton Lune Trust meets to consider grants three times a year – dates will be circulated in the Parish Prattle, the village magazine. The Trust MAY also consider applications made at other times of the year so please contact us if you have a request which you would like us to consider at another time.
Trust meetings for 2024 are scheduled to take place on 13th May and 21st October, with the next AGM taking place on 17th February 2025. Please send in applications to the Trust in good time to be considered by the trustees at our meetings, ideally at least 7 days in advance of the meeting date.
To apply, download an application form here or email the secretary at secretaryhaltonlunetrust@gmail.com for a form. Complete the form taking into account the aims of the Trust which can be seen on this page and return it to the Trust as an email attachment to secretaryhaltonlunetrust@gmail.com, including any background information that you think might be of use to the Trustees in making their decision.